Traducción y Marketing

«La traducción no es asunto de palabras solamente, sino de dar a conocer toda una cultura de manera inteligible» (Goethe).

Varios factores contribuyen a la complejidad de comunicar un mensaje en determinado idioma a un grupo de gente que habla otro idioma. Hay que tener en cuenta la gramática, el estilo y el contexto cultural tanto de la lengua del público origen como de la lengua del público meta, sin alterar el significado literal y emotivo del mensaje original. La Global Village se toma muy en serio todo el proceso de la traducción y sigue un criterio muy estricto para asegurar que las traducciones reflejen el sentido del original y que sean dinámicas y de la mejor calidad posible.

La Global Village cuenta con un equipo de traductores profesionales oriundos de varios países y no utiliza ningún sistema de traducción automatizada. Nuestros traductores tienen que pasar varias pruebas rigurosas en las que tienen que demostrar su capacidad y conocimientos, y están preparados para verter al idioma meta los materiales y programas que su entidad desea llevar al mercado.

Para ser fieles al texto original sin desviarnos del contexto cultural de la lengua meta, revisamos cada traducción para asegurarnos que cumple el criterio de localización siguiente: La traducción la hace un traductor profesional, luego la lee una persona que no es traductora, después pasa a manos de un revisor-corrector y, por último, una revisión final una vez que la traducción esté en el formato requerido.

Sabemos que una palabra, una frase o una oración se puede decir de maneras diferentes en otros idiomas, es por eso que procuramos determinar y mantener el mismo «estilo» y la misma «voz» en todas las traducciones de cada cliente en particular. El propósito de esa «voz» es comunicar el espíritu y la personalidad del orador o el autor, y para lograr ese fin y mantener la uniformidad en todos los medios elaboramos un glosario y un manual de estilo para cada cliente. Permítanos la oportunidad de transformar el mensaje de su entidad y llevar su voz al mercado de diversidad.

Nuestros servicios de traducción y marketing

Producción, Televisión y Cine

Radio y Audio

Materiales promocionales

Locución y doblaje

Our Translation Philosophy

Translation theory is truly a “science” based on the understanding of how languages work.  It recognizes that different languages encode meaning in differing ways, and unlocking this code reveals the most appropriate ways of preserving meaning and conveying the spirit of each communication.  We adhere to the following principles to ensure dynamic, meaning-based translations.



It may seem obvious, but if you've ever read a translation generated by a computer, you will know exactly why we emphasize this component of our translation philosophy! The idea of sense is most simply explained by the following questions: Does the translation transmit the gist of what the author is communicating? Are the words and phrases combined logically and within context? An adequate translation must transfer the original message in such a way that the central points of the translation make overall sense. This is the Number One goal of our translations.



Syntax is essentially word usage. It refers to the selection of words and the relationships among those words and the surrounding phrases, clauses, and sentences. Word usage is vital to an effective translation in that a single word can change the entire meaning of a phrase if it is not considered within the context of the words or phrases around it. In a Spanish text, variation in word order can change the spirit of a phrase and, indeed, even reverse its intended meaning. Syntax moves us into the question of faithfulness or accuracy to the text and is an essential component in producing dynamic translations.



Clarity is another vital criterion in the evaluation of an effective translation. Is the message clear, easy to understand, lucid, and free from unnatural forms, expressions, or words that hinder the understanding on the part of the reader? Does it leave the audience with any gaps or cause moments of confusion? A translation cannot meet Global Village's standards of excellence if it lacks clarity.



Grammar refers to the overall organization of the language expressed in a text, and we expand its meaning here to include mechanics. This broadened category includes punctuation, spelling, parts of speech, and many other technical conventions. Grammar is both prescriptive - what you learned in school - and descriptive - principles that you actually follow when you speak a language. Effective translators must pay attention to both types when they approach a source. For example, dropping an accent mark in a Spanish text can change the entire meaning of a phrase. An understanding of grammar and mechanics is an essential part of any dynamic translation and a requirement for our translators.



Our style reflects our personality, vision, mission, and goals, and every speaker, author, or organization has an individual combination of these elements. As we partner with you, we study and research your individual style and aim to preserve it in every source text we translate. We find culturally relevant equivalents to particular style elements throughout our source texts and enable that individual persona to shine through and resonate with your target audience.



Flow comes down to fluency. Does the text sound like an original message in the language of the target audience, or does it sound like a disjointed, paraphrased version translated haphazardly from another language? Is it awkward in any way? Or does one sentence flow naturally into the next? Fluid and continuous, a dynamic translation feels like a message crafted specifically for your audience by someone who speaks the same language.

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